Be open source with Proxmox

In essence, Proxmox is an open-sourcetool that allows you to virtualize servers. Proxmox is based on the Linux distribution Debian and makes underlying use of both the KVM virtualization layer as LXC containers, and gives you access to a user-friendly, web-based interface. This allows you to easily build clusters of different machines, manage the underlying storage, deploy virtual machines or live migrating, and much more.

10.12.2018 by Ben Sommerijns

An instant success

Proxmox released its first edition in april 2008. It was an instant success because the platform immediately had many supporters. To understand what Proxmox is and what the benefits are it is important to know what open source means and the importance of the Linux Kernel. Also nice to know is that the name has no meaning but got chosen because the domain name was available.

Open source describes a broad topic whereby you release the source code of a program or project so that everybody can get started. Many open source software is free to use and allows you to access the production in different ways. Linux is perhaps the most well-known example of open source software, but you also may have heard of the Firefox Web browser, the WordPress CMS or the LibreOffice Office suite. 

The four essential freedoms

To be able to use the lable open source you need to live up to four essential freedoms.

  • The freedom to use the program as you want and for each purpose.
  • The freedom to study how the program works and to change it as you like. Access to the source code is required.
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others.
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified version to others. Allow the whole community the opportunity to take advantage of your changes. Access to the source code is required.

Would you like to know more? Contact us and we would love to inform you further.